Yessica’s Journey and Bipolar Disorder Research Network Meeting
22/10/2010 BDRN Worlds Biggest Research into Bipolar
Meeting at Cardiff University with Ian Jones, Jamie Lewis, Nick Craddock and the Research Team. Siobhan Tohill and Anastcia Tohill attended meeting, Oz Osborne attended by conference call. This was an excellent meeting and has helped to establish a good working collaborative relationship between BDRN Research Team and Yessica’s Journey Project Animation Team.Main points which were discussed at the meeting
- BDRN Team to read and feedback on Latest Script – Feedback already received on original script which has helped the project. ideas discussed on how to include Research element within script.
- Yessicas Journey website link to be included on BDRN website and BDRN link on YJ website and link to public engagement website.
- Anastacias Artwork/article to be added to Public Engagement Website – science and art, Jamie Lewis
- BDRN to write articles and team profiles for Yessicas website
- Anastacia to write article for BDRN site
- Jamie Lewis to write translation of Foucalt for Yessicas website. Michel Foucalt – important power of knowledge
- Advice to read Michel Foucalt work and recommended creative books
- Yessicas Journey to be included in BDRN newsletter – 6,000 people
- To demonstrate to Wellcome Trust interaction between Art and Science, working together to support this. Suggestions include
- Gallery Day Event, a public engagement event where Anastacia could talk to the public/audience
- Collaborative Workshops – talk to Researchers, Scientists. public and people with Bi-polar
- Public Engagement Training – Interaction between us and BDRN
- Collaboration between Cardiff and Norwich with events
- BDRN and YJ Project Team to come up with ideas on how to work in creative collaboration together
- Ideas for further funding – other sources of funding with BDRN
- BDRN to input on ways to take project forward
- Psycho Education – New therapy for Bi-polar, work with people with the disorder to help them understand their condition – includes online web-based education and group education sessions.
- Importance of research in script – knowledge is power, understand illness – less scary and reduce stigma, acceptance of illness. Importance of self knowledge
- Took video footage of meeting for website Took photos of team and trip to Cardiff for websites
- Research Team paid for Travel from Norwich to Cardiff for 2 people – about £200, this is fantastic as it has saved money for the project
- Anastacia has become part of the research at BDRN – Completed questionnaire about Bipolar experience with CPN and had blood sample taken